----------------------------------------------------- Introduction: This is a 32 bit Windows 95/NT program. You will enjoy playing it most with a Pentium computer and an SVGA graphics card displaying more than 256 colors. Visit http://www.hungryfrog.com for more software and frog goodies as well as upgrades to this program. Hungry Frog Algebra (I) v1.0 is a freeware game. If you like it, please pass a copy along to your friends. Let us know any problems you encounter via eMail to: bugs@hungryfrog.com Thank you! ----------------------------------------------------- Trouble Shooting Instructions: If you are missing some of the MFC DLLs for full Windows functionality, you may not be able to run this program without first obtaining the missing DLLs from Microsoft to update your Windows software. More information on updating your Windows 95 or NT software and support is available from Microsoft (www.microsoft.com). ========= On-Line Active-X DLL Retrieval: To remedy this situation, Microsoft has created a compressed cabinet (.CAB) file for MFC 4.2b and related DLLs. You are free to download and install this file if you need to install the MFC 4.2 DLLs on your computer. This .CAB file is about 700K in size and should take about 4 minutes to download over a 28.8 Kbps connection. The URL for this CAB file is http://activex.microsoft.com/controls/vc/mfc42.cab Following this link from your broswer should install the files on your machine. This .CAB file will install the following files: Name Version MFC42.DLL 4.2.6256 OLEPRO32.DLL 4.2.6068 MSVCRT.DLL 4.20.6164